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I don't know that anyone would incorporate harassment and abuse within a discussion on social etiquette, but it made perfect sense to me as I thought about using a recent encounter with harassing behavior for good. I vacillated about publicly discussing this but October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month and the number of abuse cases are on a rapid rise in our current COVID environment. I felt compelled to address the seriousness of this issue and could not deny its direct impact upon the men, women and children that I service in my business. To that end, going forward, I decided to include a segment on harassment and abuse into our Social Etiquette curriculum.

I was recently harassed by someone I knew and I worked with law enforcement to address it. I strongly believe that no one has the right to forcibly occupy space in your life and create toxicity where there should be peace. You decide. You choose who has a front row seat in the story of your life. Unfortunately, this subject matter is not always addressed publicly or privately. But I've decided to talk about it because it can't be ignored as I work with people. So, in addition to discussing proper introductions, alternatives to handshakes, cell phone etiquette, grooming, networking and building partnerships; we will also discuss and bring awareness to harassing and abusive behavior so that we can continue to empower men, women and children with what they need to show up as the best version of themselves possible.

In my business as an Etiquette Consultant, I've decided to take up courage and have the uncomfortable conversations in a safe environment because volatile issues unaddressed, worsen and explode. So, as we continue to work at being cognizant of how we show up in social and business settings, let's remember this quote by Joseph B. Wirthlin, "The true greatness of a person . . . is evident in the way he or she treats those with whom courtesy and kindness are not required." Let's be great people who are kind, courteous and respectful to all.

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Updated: Jun 19, 2020

I'm beyond excited to announce that Etiquette Speaks, LLC has launched on Juneteenth 2020! This dream has incubated in my heart for more than 3 years and comes forth to you today. I invite you to take a look around our online home and learn more about who we are and what we're about. There are also some great "Tips" sprinkled in for you to incorporate into your daily habits and thoughts.

With our launch, we to give a gift to some college graduates of the Class of 2020. Fifteen (15) graduates will be selected to receive a FREE virtual 90 minute Business Etiquette session with Etiquette Speaks. This session is valued at more than $250/person, but it will be free to them.

To qualify for consideration, our graduates must complete the "Contact Form" on this website and include in the "message" section, (1) the school they graduated from; (2) their major; and (3) why they would like to participate in this session. Submissions will be reviewed and the winners will be contacted by June 30th, 2020. Entrants should mark their calendars in case they are selected because the Business Etiquette session will be held virtually on July 9th, 2020 at 6:30pm. All details will be shared with the winners.

Our winners of the Business Etiquette session will learn: (1) how to conduct themselves on job interviews; (2) the importance of developing professional relationships; (3) the impact of their digital footprint on their job search; (4) behavior during a business meetings; (5) navigating Happy Hour with work colleagues; and so much more. We have so much to share with them in preparation for the start of their new careers.

Share the news with someone you know who has graduated with their Associates or Bachelor's in 2020. I can't wait to meet them. But don't forget to sign up for our mailing list yourself because we'll have something for everyone soon. I can't wait to meet each of you!

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Suzette Spann Scarborough @ Etiquette Speaks, LLC

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